hello! before you continue, i just want to let you know that you are one amazing person!


click on the day based on what today's date is!
(one message per day only)



it's your first day here! wow, welcome!! i'm glad you clicked on this message because i have something very special to tell you! you are a person who will always be
deserving to be loved. you are a person who a lot of people are grateful for. you exist today, because you matter. you're still breathing, because you still have a future
to look upon. today is the first day that i'll help you realize how important you are. so good morning! a day has just started and i hope you're ready to
stand up again and face the world. i know you can do it, because i believe in you! okay so let's see again tomorrow? hehe i'll see you and have a nice day <3


wooow you're here again! that means, you got through day one! i'm so proud of you! how was your day? was it good? if yes, then im glad to hear that because you really
deserve the good things in life! if not, i hope today can be a better day for you. the fact that you're still here, reading my message proves how much strong you are as a person.
and not everyone can do that! we all face problems in this world, but you, you decided to not give up and be here again. fighting and hoping for what would come! so now, repeat after me, "i am state your name, a wonderful and a very great person that will always stand up whenever i fall because i know that i can do it. I am proud of
myself and i love myself for being me" now repeat it again and say it like you mean it! hehe you did amazing, you should do this every day you know? just to make you
remind yourself how important you are in every day. soooo have a great day today! see you tomorrow, i love you!


it's been two days!! wooow you're doing amazing! i hope you're not opening the next messages though... no cheating!! hehe so how are you? are you feeling well? because
i hope you are! please dont forget to drink water a lot!! and never ever skip your meals because your body really needs it! if you have time, i hope you can exercise your body
too! but no need to pressure, whatever you're doing to cope with your life now, im proud of you! hehe sooo what are your plans today? i hope you do them with enjoyment
because things are much easier if you're happy doing them! im wishing you lots of luck! especially if you're working or having classes, aaa things might get tough but i know
all of your hardwork will pay off soon and you'll never regret that you did your best. so get up now and eat your breakfast, drink lots of water and do the things that you
should! good luck with today and dont forget that you will always be a person that is deserving and worthy! i love you and i hope you love yourself too :) see you tomorrow!!


goood morning!! and this should be the 4th message you opened! that's already a lot! i hope these messages are not only for you to read, but to make you
feel that you are with someone and that there a lot of people who love and appreciate you! i hope you've been loving yourself even more because you need it! but wait!!!
before you continue to read this, smile first!! just smile!! are you smiling now? if yes, wooow you look so great!! and if not, you still look great hehe but with a smile you look
much more amazing! i hope you'll smile a lot today! remember to always take care of yourself okay? i love you and i'll see you again tomorrow!


rise and shine!! today is another day! and you're here again!! woow you're really doing great! but did you know that you're not the only person reading this? there should be
more than one person that is reading with you! this just means that you're not alone! you got the people you love and care about! and of course you have me too!! hehe i hope
you're doing well today! im here to remind you that you are a beautiful person inside and out and that you are loved. you might not directly feel or hear it. but here, i love you.
and you too, love yourself. things might not be going well lately, but im here for you. and you have yourself. please don't give up because the good things are coming soon
and you'll be able to receive all of them. so good luck with today okay? start your day with a big smile and a big breakfast too!! breakfasts are very important! hehe i love you
and see you tomorrow!


it's almost a week since you've started reading this!! congratulations! i am once again so proud of you! time flies by so fast, doesn't it? but i wish as days pass by,
your love for yourself becomes stronger and stronger. i hope you know that you are a person who has a strong and kind heart. you're always there for other people, but
are you there for yourself? if yes, wow, that's amazing and you deserve that! i hope you continue to be there for yourself because when life gets harder, you'll be able to look
out for yourself and help yourself to be stronger! but if not... that's okay! we tend to care for the people we love before ourselves but we shouldn't be like that all the time.
let's not forget about ourselves and take some time to make ourselves happy! i hope for the best for you today and i know you'll be able to get through it successfully! i love
you so much sooo i'll see you again tomorrow!


aaaaa!!!!! it's already been a week!! only 24 messages left aaaa im going to miss you :(( aa it's still early yet? hehe good morning and i hope you have a great
great day today! i hope you appreciate my messages because all of these are really from my heart!! that's how much i love you!! hehe dont skip your meals today and take
care of yourself! how? rest if you feel like you need to! your body needs to take a break too! if you can't because of so many things to do, then at least drink lots of water so
that your body doesn't get dehydrated! also make time for yourself, like watch some movies or dramas? or like a series! if you have any pets, play with them! if you're not
scared of them >< hmm if you want to be productive then try studying! aaa it might sounds tiring but we need to exercise our brain!! hehe or try exercising! these things
can really help your health! but before you all do those things, i just want to tell you that i am so thankful that you are here; alive and breathing. you're really doing great
these days and im really proud of you. i love you soooo much so i'll see you tomorrow okay!


good morning!! and a daily reminder that you are loved and always worthy! you'll be hearing that for a month so you should be able to tell that to yourself soon! so how are
you doing today? i hope you slept well! if not, i hope you'll get to sleep better later :( whenever i have a hard time sleeping, i tend to write all my thoughts and feelings in a journal
so that i can at least have a peace of mind! it helps me to express my feelings more and i feel like im really talking to someone! so yes, you should try that sometime! anyways,
i hope you have a good day today! dont skip breakfast and stay hydrated! good luck with the things you should do today and i'll see you again tomorrow! i love you!


hello!! im really happy if you already reached this day! look how far you've already gone!! aaa im really proud of you! i hope you're proud of yourself because you're
still here! i hope happiness and love fills up your day today and you get to appreciate yourself more. why? because you deserve it! you deserve to be happy and to feel
loved because you are an amazing person who is always worthy of the good things in life! we'll get to experience such things that will bring us down but i hope after we calm
ourselves and give ourself some rest, we will stand up again and fight again! so smile okay? hehe have a great day today and i'll see you tomorrow! i love you as always!


it's already day 10 and you're still here! can you hear my crying? aaaa im so proud of you and thank you so much for still reading my messages. i appreciate it a lot but
i appreciate you more! i hope you continue to read my messages until day 31! aaa good morning!! are you still sleepy? because i tend to get very sleepy when i wake up at first
but after a few mins i think i'll feel okay! how about you? do you sleep on your alarm or wait, do you even have your alarm on or you just let your body wake you up? >< hehe
i hope you dont tend to oversleep a lot because you might skip breakfast and that's not okay especially if it's often! so please take care and dont skip your meals <3 im giving
you lots and lots of strength so that you can get through this day as well! you can do it! i love you and see you tomorrow!! (remember that you are a wonderful person so please
smile and i hope you to be happy today!)


goood morning to you!! i hope good things will come your day today and that you'll get to smile a lot today! you woke up for a very good reason and i hope you get to live
today as how you want to live it! do the things that you love and make you excited! i hope you find the purpose of your life someday and if you already found it, please
embrace it and never let it go. this will help you make your life much more meaningful and you'll always look forward to it! im rooting for you in every thing that you
will do today and i hope you take some rest too if you feel like you need it! i'll see you again tomorrow! i love you so much and i hope you do the same too! and remember that you're a very important person who deserves to be happy and to be loved <3


how was your sleep? i hope you had a good one! and that you have the energy to do things today! but it's okay if not, there are really days that we feel tired and dont really
know the exact reason... so if you feel that way, i hope you don't overwork yourself and just give yourself some rest. it's okay to take some breaks because those are very
important as well! but if you're going to work on some things today, im giving you my full support! i know you'll be able to finish them, just believe in yourself! and i hope when
you get to finish them, you'll say to yourself that you're proud of yourself because you did it! have a nice day ahead and let's see each other again tomorrow <3 i love you!


what are your dreams? like what do you want to achieve when the right time comes? are you sure already about it? because whatever it is, i know you'll succeed someday!
you have my full support because i believe in you! dreams are the things that we hold unto at each day as we live, and where we put every effort into things and the sacrifices we do
just to achieve them. so please believe in yourself too! <3 if you're still not sure and doubting if you can do it, then im here to remind you that you should do the things
that you love and make you happy! we might worry along the journey we'll take but i hope we never think about giving up. we can rest but we should never give up! all the
things that we want to achieve will come at the right time! we may fail but it's still not the end. we still have tomorrow and let's hold on to what tomorrow can bring!
i know you are a very strong person and i know you'll be able to handle the things that you'll face in life. you're not alone because you have me and the other people that
love you! we can do this! i love you!


it's been two weeks already!! aaaa you've done so soooo great these past few days!! can you tell yourself this then "good morning self! i am so proud of you for being strong
and for not giving up! let's continue to do every day okay? i love you!" aa thank you! i hope you did say it to yourself! <3 please give yourself some rewards like some delicious
food to eat? or ordering some things that you love to buy! like stationery or merch? hehe im not telling you to buy impulsively though >< but it's still good to reward yourself
once in a while! because those things really motivate you to do better!! you got this okay? i love you!


good morning!! did you tell yourself "i love you" already? go, go say it now!! hehe i hope for you to have a very wonderful day today and that you'll be happy this day! do you
talk to your irl friends? through chat or calls? i hope you try to connect with them someday because they might miss you already! but if you don't feel like it, then it's okay!
you have your online friends anyway! we're here for you okay so if you want to tell us something, or just me than don't hesitate okay? i'll try my very best to there for you <3
you're really an amazing person and i'm really happy that you're giving time to read all of this. i appreciate you for being here and for being you. you are a very strong person
and i admire that about you. i hope you can see that to yourself too, because it's true! self love is really an important thing <3 i love you and you should say "i love me too"
back! hehe see you tomorrow!